Sunday, September 30, 2018

Dancing In The Rain/ You're 16 Going on 17 🎶/ Jessica's Baptism/ Old Times Coming To an End/ Vanuatu Arrival Onr Year Mark/ I Love A Rainy Night

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!! How are you??? I pray your weeks have been wonderful and full of opportunities to partake of the amazing gift of life Out Father in Heaven has granted to each and every one of us.

 How blessed are we!?! There are so many reasons to rejoice and so, so many things we have been given from Our Heavenly Father. For one, I have really been reflecting on the wonderful gift that is Families and Temples. I know Families can be together forever through the Sealing Power of God's Priesthood in His Holy Temples. The grave has NO power because of the Loving Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! Death is never the end because of what The Savior did. He suffered, was bruised, died, and was Resurrected in order to fulfill the Great Plan of God. Although imperfect we can be made clean to and rise to live in Eternal Happiness with Our Father in Heaven and Loved ones... FOREVER!! 

I testify with all my heart and soul of this message, I try and be worthy to teach, through the spirit each day. That message is one, which isn’t too complex, but can rings true with a burning sensation in each of our hearts through the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. That Jesus is the Christ. And through His eternal sacrifice and commandments we can be lead back home to a God whom is Our Father in Heaven. A Father in Heaven who created this plan that we might become Ultimately like Him, receive all He has, live with Him and Our Families in Eternal Joy for all Time and Eternity. How great is (2 Nephi 9:13) the Plan of Our God!

 I often like to think back to the wonderful memories that come from Primary and to my favorite songs, which helped me learn these Eternal Principals at such a young age. How grateful I am for the Primary program and all those loving and patient Primary teachers who give their best to teach the future generations! I am grateful for all you who give their very best in their callings to serve the Lord! 

This Primary Song Being one of my Favorites taught me of the Great Plan of Salvation at a Young age! I thought I would share: 


1.) I lived in Heaven a long time ago, it is true; Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you. Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan, All About earth and eternal salvation for man. 

2.) Father said he needed someone who had enough love. To Give his life so we al could return there above. There was another who sought for the honor or divine. Jesus said, "Father, send me, and the glory be thine."

3.) Jesus was chosen, and as the Messiah he came, Conquering evil and death through this glorious name, Giving us hope of a wonderful life yet to be Home in that heaven where Father is waiting for me. 

The best part of the week was Jessica's baptism! We have worked very hard with her and her family. And despite all the efforts of the devil and any other force she was baptized this Saturday! The best part was her older brother. He is also a convert to the church and has only been a member for about a year now. When we told him we wanted him to make the baptism he was very scared. However we taught him how to do it and his wife said he practiced every night. The biggest smile appeared on his face when he finished the baptism. There was another girl who had just turned 8 and when asked by our ward mission leader the brother of Jessica (no no the brother of Jared ;) Haha! I think I am funny!) said he would perform her baptism as well. 

Oh how great it is to be on a mission! Thank you for your endless prayers and support. I feel your love through emails, letters, and the angels that I am sure protect me, which come from so many prayers on my behalf. I am sorry if this is not the most detailed update. Please know I am well, happy, and especially excited for Christmas to see and talk to my family. I pray for you. I love you! I know this Gospel is true. I am so grateful for my testimony, my mission, my family, other loved ones, and my Savior. Hold to the iron rod! You can do anything! So much love to all of you!

Love Forever,

Elder LaMont/ Your Alekken Ty/ Come Back Kid/ Shark Bait/ Van Persie!

Hey Awesome People whom I Love! You are all the best! Hope you enjoy some photos from the wonderful adventures I had this week. I hope I got everyone and the photos load. Let me know if it did not work. I will get them to you! 

Working With President in Our Area... I don't know about you... but I think President has the sharpest Haircut out of all of us. I have heard a missionary legend. If you walk through a lot of rain your future wife will be more gorgeous.... Looks like I am on my way to a good path ;) 

Jessica's Baptism!! Her brother got to perform the ordinance! We are so happy and proud of both of them! 

Posing before the baptism... Yeah you know we look good! ;) 

With all the wonderful children of Vanuatu! :) 

This giant beetle wanted to learn more about the Law of Chastity.... We had to have quite a discussion on it because I think he was doing a Mating Call as he sat on the book... I am not sure he understood. 

We got a New car!!! What do you think? I think it looks like it is in very good condition. Elder Hable does look concerned however... 

Just kidding... Here is the new Truck we got. President got a new one so we got President Granger's old Truck. I named him Gatston :) 

When you realize that Elder LaMont has candy.. 

P.S. Momma, if you send a Christmas package could you send lot of fun stickers? All the kids here love stickers! This little guy right here really loves, Lightning MQueen. I have searched Vila for them and could not find them. Could you send some? He would love it! :) 

Love Forever, 

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Alekken Ty 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Taco NIGHTS!!/l Santo Trip/ It's Actually Been 7 Months Elder LaMont/ Elder Lemon's Little Buddy/ Argghhh Matey/ Shiver me Timbers/ The Jolly Roger

Family and Friends! Here we are again! I smile to think of you, and all you must be accomplishing. The very thought of you beautiful people lifts my spirits  and gives me  hope. For me, it has been another wonderful week in Paradise doing the hardest work I have ever done! I have never felt more tired, satisfied, and happy in all my life. How Great is missionary work!? Simply it is the best. I know with all my heart that Missionary work and service to others is how we find true happiness. When we only think of ourselves we can't truly experience the eternal joy, which comes by the spirit and doing the simple Primary answer of "What Would Jesus Do?" 

Through my studies I found one of my favorite quotes by Gordon B. Hinckley, which really touched mu heart. He explains to us how we can find true and Eternal Joy! The Joy whoch doesn't have an expire date on it! 

 It goes like this, "Do you want to be happy? Forget Yourself and get lost in this great cause. Lend your efforts to helping people. There is no work in all the world so fraught with happiness as this work. That happiness is peculiar. It comes of serving others. It is real. It's unique. It's wonderful. You will come to know a happiness that you have never known before if you will do that. Stand a little taller, lift those feeble knees, hold up the arms of those that hand down. Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Forget Yourself." 

How Great is the truth that when we forget about ourselves lifting others up we find our true selves, find more joy than we ever thought possible, and enjoy more the (Galatians 5:22) Fruits of the Spirit as he becomes our constant companion. I am so thankful for the many individuals who have blessed my life and taught me this example.
 I have thought to the selfless service of my parents whom whenever they could sacrifice energy, their own desires, dreams, hopes all in efforts to give more to one another and their children. I think back to my mother doing massive amounts of laundry, cooking wonderful meals, always willing to help me with homework, and despite her busy schedule and many who wanted her attention, she would always take the time to ask how my day went. When she saw I was troubled or I needed someone to listen I was amazed how she would drop what she was doing to listen and comfort. And then do the same thing for all of my siblings. I think to my Father who no doubt exhausted from work would come home and always give me a hug. Be willing to listen to all the sport updates he could ever ask for and watch any game even if it meant he couldn't keep his eyes open. Or loose in ;) FIFA  How when I doubted my own abilities taught me that "I can do hard things and not to discount myself." I think to how he would make any sacrifice to honor his Priesthood and bring joy to my Mother. To my two parents know you have raised us in righteousness. Your Father in Heaven sees your efforts and is well pleased. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed. I hope my home as a Future husband and Father will be filled with the same love, sacrifice, and devotion to one another and to the Gospel as ours has been. Often my heart reflects upon this wonderful song. Which I sung in Primary but truly experienced in my own home growing up. Thank you Mom and Dad!
 Love is Spoken Here."  "I see my Mother kneeling with our family each day. I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray. Her plea to the Father quiets all my fears. And I am thankful love is spoken here. I can often feel the Savior near when love is spoken here. Mine is a home where every hour is blessed by the strength of priesthood power, with Father and Mother leading the way, Teaching me how to trust and obey; And the things they teach are crystal clear, For Love is Spoken Here. I Can often feel the Savior near when Love is spoken Here." 

 I like to also think to a wonderful Bishop who served right before I left for my mission. He taught me something surely my parents tried for years to teach me that if we are struggling we need no more than to get out of our homes or own heads and serve others. When we are struggling our best help we will be helping others. Again I quote wonderful words from Gordon B. Hinckley, "The best antidote for worry is work. The best medicine for despair is service. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired." 
Another thing I like to think back to is one of the most powerful supports I had before the mission was a letter I received. I will never forget the words of this letter which told me something I heard many times before but it did not truly hit me until I read it in this wonderful letter. A portion of it states, "Missionary, a person who leaves their family for 2 years, so others may be with their families for eternity. Good Luck." Yes, it is hard to give up your family for a few years. But the joy of helping people have this gift for all time and eternity is what makes my heart and soul sing praise to The Lord as I reflect upon the many blessings of being able to serve in this wonderful mission. I am so thankful for my mission and for the many who support me. I love you! Thank you for all you have done for me.  

Our week really has been great and I continue to learn much from my wonderful studies. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn, be edified, and be taught by the scriptures. To learn as I try and teach this perfect and wonderful Gospel. This is a gift all of us can have in our lives because of a Loving Father in Heaven. Open those scriptures. I promise you will hear and feel the still voice of the spirit which tries to talk to us over the constant loud noises of the world. I have really learned the value of this week of listening more. Do you know who the best listener in all of the Universe is? Our Father in Heaven he will always listen perfectly to us and comfort us through His Son's Atonement and Gospel. Often times when I have had a companion struggling I am so quick to try and solve the problem. I feel it has been out of good intention as I love them and want things to be better for them. However anyone who has served a mission will teach you to not do what I have been doing for a long time. The job of the companion is NOT to solve the problem rather; to help the other companion feel loved and understood. Only be coming to the Lord will they really be able to be helped. You can only be the moral support. Remember that you can not be the Savior. Only the Savior can provide the perfect love and support to solve the problem. The best thing you can do is just listen. 

We just got back from New Caledonia and had a little time to make some work in the office in the area. Then two days later on another plane to the beautiful island of Santo. The Santo Zone Conference went really well and I felt the spirit in abundance. I love all the new missionaries coming in as they are full of energy and desire! And of course some of my best friends there and I like to talk about the Utah Jazz and NBA updates when we have a spare minute. Life is so good! The Gospel, Family, Friends My mission and sports show how much The Lord has blessed me! 

Alright. I need to explain about my little buddy. I am not sure if I have ever mentioned this in my updates but one of my nicknames in the mission has become Elder Lemon or Lemons. Or in French Elder Citron. This is because if I ever go out to my first area in Teoma a bunch of naked little pikinini (or children) will run out yelling, Elda Lemon! Elda Lemons!" And then they will come hug my legs and ask for more candy. Love them and miss them! Sometimes when people can't pronounce my name here they just remember me as Elder Lemons. Or they think I am a French man and start calling me Monsieur LaMont. It's grown on me :) Anyway we went to this place to eat in Santo called Atar. And they have this little bird (what I think is a Green Parrot) The dude is legit! He is so funny and has a really energetic personality so we hit it off! I taught him two different whistle patterns. And the entire time we were eating I would sing my tune to him and he would copy it. I started trying to teach him some words but he only responded to this by re  If you haven't been around birds that's just a way a bird says, "We are bros now and I love you." Throwing up food and offering it to your new friend is a weird way to show this but it is just the bird way. I thought my family would especially love this story! I know Claire (The Bird Whisperer) and Vivie would love it! I named him Mitchell because that is apparently one of the big stars at the Utah Jazz. Anyway funny story for the week :) 

I also was told by my Old Companion Elder Burbank through email (He has since gone home) that I should go check on one of my Recent Converts Thelma (does anyone remember her?) We figured out she works in a car shop in Vila and we dropped by to see her. I was SO HAPPY to see her and she was also very excited to see me. I said, "Thelma!! It's so good to see you! It's been something like... 6 months?! How are you??"
She said, "Actually Elder LaMont it has been 7 months!!"
It made me happy she has obviously missed me. Recent Converts are the best! I am glad to hear she is still coming to church every week. I pray she may stay away from old friends and influences which are very desirous for her to revert to an old life. I hope her new friends in the church will help her anchor her testimony. If you would include her in your prayers I would appreciate it so much. I wish I could help her more. I know if she keeps coming to Our Savior she will be able to stay strong in the storms and winds of temptation. If we do an exchange with the Zone Leaders in Blacksands I will be able to have another lesson with her. Hope we will find time to do it! 

Well, I can't say more than I am loving life! Full steam ahead as I  truly loving the work and learning how to better love others. One of the biggest blessings in my life is my mission. I am so thankful to be here!!! And I am very excited to talk with my Family for Christmas! That's going to be an awesome day!!! :) Keep being awesome! I miss you all! I am praying for you.
You've go this. The Lord is with us! What can we not do?!?  

I love you! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the blessings which we all have!! 

Love Forever,

Elder LaMont/Shark Bait/ Elder Lemon or Elder Citron/ Whitest Elder in all of Vanuatu 

Health Update For Momma: Still doing well. Looked in the mirror today and thought "Looking good today!" ;) Hahaha just kidding! I have been really sleepy recently but a P Day today will be definitely relaxing and will help a lot. Got to love that 2,000 + dollar smile I got from all those torture devices.. I mean Orthodontic projects! :) ;) Thanks for helping me stay as healthy as possible Momma! You're the beast... I mean the best! ;) By the way you just lost the game XD 

P.S. Pictures are coming this week, I promise. Sorry, I did not have time to send some last week but I will be sending some extras your way! I will send pictures of how we made Tacos!! You better believe I am getting better at cooking! I am related to my Momma after all!

The SLC Airport Crew at Zone Conference 

Our faces during Taco Night! 

Taco Night! Elder LaMont and Elder Hable sick of eating takeout while traveling and thus this beautiful thing was created.. TACO NIGHT!

Mitchell Elder Lemons' Buddy! 

Me and Mitchell chillin. 

When you realized you have been out a year but still confident you look gorgeous (Love Elder Hable's face in this one XD) all in one picture. Also Jersey Sunday! 

Jessica who will has a baptism date for this week!  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

A note sent home from a traveler who met with these two missionaries.

Hello to Elda LaMont's family,

I was flying out of Port Vila the other day and saw him on the way to a zone conference. I have seen the elders around Port Vila and have been very impressed with them. I shared some Rice Krispy treats I brought from the states. He looks healthy and happy serving the Lord. I'm from Mesa Arizona here in Vanuatu on holiday and some University stuff with the Peace Corps volunteers.

Attaching a photo of him,


Elda LaMont and Elda Hable Port Villa September 2018


Thanks for sharing! It is incredibly comforting to know people are willing to care for our son and fellow missionaries. We miss him and know he is serving our Father in Heaven with love and sharing that love with the good people of Vanuatu.

Again very thankful for your kindness.

Love to you

The LaMont Crew

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Trail of Happiness and Sacrifice/ Why Don't You Speak French?/ Excited to talk to the Family?!/ Klos lo Kasam won Kil

Dearest Family and Friends!!! How are you?! Do you know I pray for you and miss you? I love you! I hope it is well known that although I love my mission with all my heart and soul, I do miss my family and friends. Often, I see things which press my many buttons. (This will probably only make sense to my immediate family. Sorry about that. Inside jokes!) I have a "Keaton" button. A Claire and Vivie button, A Mom and Dad button and those of my dearest friends. At the beginning of my mission, these thoughts of you all would make me sad. However through the wonderful gift of prayer I have received a great help. Every time I think of each of you it motivates me to be better, to work harder, and to be happy, because I am blessed to know each of you. :) Thank you for all of your support and love. It will be one of the greatest joys of my life to see and talk to you once more. Your emails and letters have touched, lifted, and inspired me more than I could express or ever tell you. Thank you times a million!

This might not be the most elaborate or beautiful written email. I will not have as much time as normal since we just arrived from New Caledonia yesterday. But I would like you to know I am sending it with the most love I can. You are all the best!

One of the most amazing things which has happened to me this week has been the Blessing of the Spirit of Elijah!!! As you all know, I work quite a bit in the Mission Office. On P-Days there are sometimes a lot of things to do in here and if feels like everyone needs to talk with us. The blessings are two things: An opportunity to email and a chance to look at the Family Tree website (If we have extra time)  I have been amazed what a knowledge of my ancestors has been able to do for me. I must know them so well but because of the veil of forgetfulness I do not know them. As I have use this website to go back and see who my ancestors are this love I had for them before this life comes rushing in. My Personal Family Tree on my account was not connected with my Mom's side of our Family. I found this strange as I know of the great efforts my Grandma Wilkinson, whom has been involved with our family history and spent countless hours working on it.  I went in my email and was able to add some information in from my Dear Grandma Polodna's obituary to connect the family tree and found I could connect my account with an impressive amounts of work from my Grandma Wilkinson. Tears of joy have come in abundance and I have had a spiritual boost form this. To my Grandma Wilkinson, I love you. I am amazed at what you have done. Thank you from the bottom of my heart what you have done for our family and for me personally. I felt like I had a love for my ancestors before but it has blossomed in so many ways. I will be hoping to be more involved with it when I arrive back at home. My ancestors have made many sacrifices so that I might have the Gospel in my life. Having a knowledge of the Gospel and my testimony is the greatest joy in my life! Wow! Life is so good!

We traveled to New Caledonia this week and also had the Efate Zone Conference! Yes, that means two Zone Conferences in two different counties in the same week! Yes, we are very busy. But I am grateful to be busy in the most important work. The last couple of days has been in French for the entire day for me. We stay with the Zone Leaders and only one of them speaks English, so I am always the odd man out. To most people's surprise, I love it! I love doing things which challenge me! We even had dinner with the Stake President (We joined the Duquettes) in NC who is from France. When he realized I couldn't understand him he said, "Why do you not know French? It is the best language!" Sister Duquette defended me by explaining how I have only been assigned to Vanuatu and have only come to New Caledonia to fulfill my assignment as an Assistant. The Stake President was awesome though, his family also speaks English and they spoke in it the whole time just so I could join in the fun conversations we had. What a great family! I am getting a lot better in French. Fluency will most likely not be obtained on my mission because my vocabulary is low and I have not had any training on grammar but I will never give up. We even had a meeting with a Ward Mission Leader (The Zone Leader Ward Mission Leader) and I responded to him a few times in French and understand more than one would think. He even asked me in English, Where did you learn French? I explained I really didn't know it that well. That I had never even had one French lesson but I have just learned from trying to listen and communicate even though, at times, I look like a complete idiot. Hard work pays off! Never give up on your dreams. You may even impress yourself. He was impressed and kept telling me I should come serve in New Caledonia. Maybe he was just trying to get on my good side but it meant a lot to me! Doctrine and Covenants 5: 34-35 The Lord always provides the way.

Another crazy experience. We went to go get some Ice Cream before we went to Zone Conference in New Caledonia with our District Leader, Elder Eager. We had some things to discuss and things are always better with Ice Cream. As everyone was getting some Ice Cream and I was about to get in line to grab my Strawberry Ice Cream (It is becoming on of my favorites recently.  :) ) when a drunk man got out of a bus and walked towards us. He demanded money to pay for his gas. I told him in a pleasant and kind fashion such an action would not be possible. I tried to change the subject and help him become kind but it started not to work. Everyone watched in horror as the big man raised his voice getting close to me and it looked like he might even hit me. I started some silent prayers in my head as he sprayed saliva while continuing to raise his voice explaining that he thought I was a racist man. Just as I thought, I may have to defended myself our District Leader rushed to my aide and had the words to calm the man I could not. The situation resolved itself and I said many prayers with a thankful heart. The Lord does hear our silent prayers. Even in our times of deepest fears he is right there. I know the Lord protects his missionaries. I know he will protect the missionaries near the Hurricane I hear is in the East Coast of the United States .

My Friends and Family. I love you. I love this Church and work I am doing. I won't give up. I will keep going. I will keep praying for you. Know your Savior will be with you in all times if you will allow him to be through his Holy Spirit. Stay worthy of the Spirit's presence and be confident that although we sin and are not perfect we can repent and keep trying. I pray for you any second I can find. The thought of all of you keeps me motivated and happy. Know I am cheering for you too.

Much Love Forever,

Elder LaMont Your Alekken Ty, The Come Back Kid, Van Persie, The Whitest Dude in all of Vanuatu

P.S. If I did not get to you this week, I am sorry. You will get one next week.. Hopefully! :)

Me With Elder Orekan. He is from England, had an awesome accent, and loves Soccer... so he is pretty much the best!

The Squad in Nouvelle Caledonia. If you work with an STL chances are.. they will ask you for a selfie. 

More selfies with the STLs in Efate by the place where we eat pizza!

Got to love this Family photo of our big.... big family! 

Yes I love my Family. Think of you everyday! :) 

Awesome quote.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Shark Bait Makes it to a Year/ My Friend Gwen/ Barava Hot wei ie Hot/ Ye Elders of Israel- The LaMont and Hable Walk-up Song/ It's True!

Another beautiful week in the mission field I Love Serving so much! This really is the hardest thing I have ever done but I have been able to see The Lord wrought to pass many miracles; though I am weak, He makes me strong.  This week was indeed been another special one because it marked my one year mark as a missionary! It became a time I could really reflect on the many things the Lord has helped me accomplish.  How through the loving prayers of those support me/love me, through my own efforts to be faithful, valiant, and obedient/ and the blessings from Heaven I have stayed on my mission despite many health problems, fears, and trials and have come to know further the truthfulness of the Gospel. To know the Love Of a Father in Heaven who does Live! 

One of the things I am most grateful for is the love which fills my heart. I Love the people I am serving. I desire their Salvation and deeply care for their souls. The members in Our ward have come as close as family. I feel I really have learned from my service as a missionary how to finally learn how to think of others more than myself. Looking back on my life, there was a lot of times that I thought about me. Even in my prayers I sometimes was just praying for me. However, something wonderful has truly changed in my heart because of the Holy Ghost. Truly, the Spirit has worked a "mighty change in my heart." My thoughts and prayers have changed. I am happy I think more about others now. I often pray and plead for those we teach. I shed tears of joy to see them come to know further of the Love God and their Savior. It is my greatest wish that I can teach all I come in contact with Great Plan of Our God and how they can be with their Families Forever. I love working! I love working hard and then being taught how I can be better. I am not a perfect man but I know the message we are teaching is Perfect. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and can lift us from any burden or sin to become valiant servants. His Atonement can comfort us perfectly. We can be forgiven, we can be healed spiritually. Our broken hearts need no longer ache. The way has been provided.

Only now do I truly and fully understand the scriptures which come from Mosiah 28:2-3,
"2 That perhaps they might bring them to the knowledge of the Lord their God, and convince them of the iniquity of their fathers; and that perhaps they might cure them of their hatred towards the Nephites, that they might also be brought to rejoice in the Lord their God, that they might become friendly to one another, and that there should be no more contentions in all the land which the Lord their God had given them.
            3 Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.

A mission is the best thing which has ever happened to me! :) 
 I am thankful for even trials in our lives. Elder D. Todd Christopherson said it best in a talk he gave. He explained He had learned how The Lord loves enough to even give us trials to prune and morph us into what we need to be. Truly He loves us enough to hurt us so that we might learn and grow. He always gives us these trials with His knowledge of how it will help us reach Him. He said it best when he said, "Thank you Mr. Gardner. Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down." I know every trial in our live need not destroy our hopes. Trials are an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and will always bring an increase of love into our lives when we rely fully upon The Atonement of Jesus Christ and fully on Him who already walked such a lonely path that we need not do so alone. 

We are Sons and Daughters of Loving Heavenly Parents. Although we all fall short of perfection we should NEVER forget of where we come from and our Divine Potential. I paraphrase the words of Jeffery Holland to the best of my remembrance "Don't you quit. Don't give up. You keep Trying. Some blessings don't come now. Some don't come until Heaven. But for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ blessings do come." You can do this! You can get through any hardship and struggle. The Lord has conquered it already. Allow Him to take your worries and struggles. He will lift you higher as you come to Him. I promise you and I know it's true because Jesus Christ has always done this for me. He Lives! 

This Week Zone Conference started up which made our schedule a little bit more intense. Our first trip for this week was for the Solomon Zone Conference. We had to wake up early in the morning and I had the unfortunate experience of waking up late. As I was scrambling a bit to keep up with my companion to get ready I was ready just in time when Président Duquette arrived to take us with him to the airport. As we were walking out the door I felt like I was forgetting something. I thought of grabbing a Book of Mormon in English I had been marking up. I pushed the thought aside as we ran out the door. Yeah... You would think I would learn by now how to listen to promptings from the Holy Ghost... But I am still working on that skill! As we got on our plane we realized we all had different seats and it felt weird being on the other end of the plane from my companion. I sat down next to a man who looked super French. Sure enough as I navigated around him I noticed he was texting someone in French. I also noticed he had a wedding ring on. Side note: becoming a missionary has made me more observant to details so I can approach people better. Am I becoming the next Shawn Spencer...? I would like to think I am! :) His seat was broken and I noticed I could move over one seat to provide him a better chair. I was worried he might not know English. I was also feeling like I needed to try and talk with him about the Gospel. I kind of looked up at the sky and gave a questionable smile asking, 
"Well how come Elder Hable or the Duquettes didn't get the seat next to him??? I am literally the only one in our little band of Musketeers who doesn't speak fluent French! What do you want me to even say.. Bonjour ? Because that's pretty much all I have when I am nervous. This literally makes no sense."
The Holy Ghost: "Elder... Are you going to make it the second time this morning you don't listen to me? You literally read a scripture the other night, which said all things, are possible through God. You never know he might speak English. Give it a go!" 
Me: Ahhh man.. Well played. Fine. Fine. Fine! I will do it."

I invited the man to the chair next to me as I moved over so he could have a chair, which was not broken. He appreciated the offer and accepted with perfect English in the thickest French accent ever. We then had a wonderful conversation. He is indeed from France and actually moved to Tahiti at only at 18 years old. He has b3n trying to learn English over the past few years and was grateful for the time to talk with me. We talked about his work and his little family in Tahiti. He has a 3-year-old daughter and loves his wife! He then asked about my family. I joked he had made a mistake pulling a picture of my family out of my Missionary Handbook and telling him how I could talk about my family for the rest of our 2 hour flight. He loved the picture and asked me tons of questions about my family and America! I was of course, happy to answer. He then got curious what the heck I was doing here heading to Solomon Islands when I had such an amazing family back home. We started talking about missionary work and he had tons of questions about who we were. Eventually he accepted a Restoration Pamphlet. And he went to watching some French Movies on his laptop. I was really happy how our conversation went. Already I felt an outpouring of love for him. I knew I needed to give him a Book of Mormon. I again realized how I truly had mistaken a prompting this morning. I began to feel terrible and even had a prayer to ask for forgiveness for not listening the first time. But then suddenly I realized that I had my traveling Book of Mormon with me. A small book of Mormon my parents had given me before I left. At first I did not really want to hand it over because of how much I have used it and then I again felt love for this man. I knew The Book of Mormon could not only change his life but even the life of his small family. I felt relieved and knew exactly what I needed to do.
I wrote a small testimony in it and offered it to the man. He was reluctant to accept it at first because he worried he was taking my only copy. I told him I had many more like it and wanted him to have it. After another offer he said, 
"Are you sure?" 
Me: "Yes! This book will bless your life Gwen. It changed mine forever. It will not only give you more happiness but also your family."
Gwen: "Okay. If you're sure I will take it."

Walking off the plane into the almost unbearable heat of the Solomon Island (10 times more hot and humid then Vanuatu) I couldn't help but smile and sing praises in my head to a Father in Heaven and Savior who are always so patient with me allowing me to work miracles through even my slowness to hear promptings. I know the promise from the Doctrine and Covenants is true. Doctrine and Covenants 1:24 states,

23 "That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers."

And I know as well, when have a willing heart and mind to do the Lord's work He will grant us power through the Holy Ghost to work a great work and wonder among His beloved Children. This is the promise he made his 12 Apostles after his 40 day Ministry after His Resurrection. 

Acts 1:8, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

Talking with the Duquettes about the experience and my companion they expressed it was no accident I sat by him. Had they spoke to him in French they feel he would never had opened up. Truly The Lord prepares the way! 

I have recently been having some out of this world good study sessions! Elder Hable and I have been blessed as we have made an attempt to improve our study habits as a companionship and personally. I have just finished the Book of Mormon and have praying again for a witness of this truth through the Holy Ghost. I had received one before my Mission (and it has been the anchor of my testimony since) but wanted again to be reminded of it's truthfulness. I have been praying for awhile now still awaiting my answer. And I got one! While searching for another scripture I accidentally flipped open to a scripture in 2 Nephi 33 I had marked. It states,

"10 And now, my beloved brethren, and also Jew, and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.
            11 And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness." 

An undeniable force of pure love and joy filled my heart and I have again come to the knowledge that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is the words of Christ. I know we can receive a witness of any truth through the Holy Ghost. I know with all my heart and soul the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church upon the world led and directed by a Living Jesus Christ through His servants. I know with all my Heart that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration. He saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. He translated what would become to be known ad The Book of Mormon through the Power of God. It's true! It's all true! My Joy is so great! 

Just last night we had an amazing lesson with this new family we found. They are a young couple (Antonine and Stéphane)) who have two beautiful little girls who are both still in diapers. It is amazing How prepared they seem already. The Lord truly does prepare those who are ready to hear His word through His chosen Disciples. We also have worked so hard with the members! We have really made an effort to go to ward activities and to make friends with them. We just had a ward activity where we played Soccer, Volleyball, and they also had me teach some Zumba or dance steps! I have loved how I could share my love of dance to bring us closer with the members, make them laugh, and have fun! Truly they have such a special place in my heart! I am grateful for these wonderful people. I love them with all my heart.  I taught them how to dance and they taught me how to play Volleyball! Better watch out those of you back at home I am getting pretty good! ;) 

Elder Hable has taught me a lot about Baseball, which I am coming to love! Not as much as Soccer because it's still the best sport... But he taught me what a Walk-Up Song is. For those of you who are as confused as I was allow me to explain. For those of you who know and love Baseball hopefully I explained this correctly. A Walk Up Song (as simple as I my understanding goes) is when the stadium plays a song of the players choice every time they are up to bat. Pour example: a player might have Back In Black play before they get up to hit! So, we decided to have our very own Walk Up Song. It is "Ye Elders Of Israel" I ask that you read the words of this hymn and apply it to your own life. My thoughts on this hymn are: most of us are of the tribe Ephraim; the gathering tribe. We have been saved for this day and age to bring souls to Our Father in heaven. My wonderful Father put it into beautiful words and  (One of my biggest heroes) said in his update to me this morning, 

"God has given us the whole day, and He asks us to do many things. We must learn the balancing act of life. The talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks Good, Better, and Best is a good reference. Sharing the Gospel does not take long, and if you’re living right, and praying for opportunities you will find them, and they will be worth every minute they cost." 

Here is the hymn: 319

                                    Ye Elders of Israel
            1. Ye elders of Israel, come join now with me
            And seek out the righteous, where’er they may be—
                        In desert, on mountain, on land, or on sea—
            And bring them to Zion, the pure and the free.
            O Babylon, O Babylon, we bid thee farewell;         
We’re going to the mountains of Ephraim to dwell.
2. The harvest is great, and the lab’rers are few;
But if we’re united, we all things can do.
            We’ll gather the wheat from the midst of the tares
And bring them from bondage, from sorrows and snares.
            O Babylon, O Babylon, we bid thee farewell;
            We’re going to the mountains of Ephraim to dwell.
3. We’ll go to the poor, like our Captain of old,
And visit the weary, the hungry, and cold;
We’ll cheer up their hearts with the news that he bore
And point them to Zion and life evermore.
            O Babylon, O Babylon, we bid thee farewell;
            We’re going to the mountains of Ephraim to dwell.

Family and Friends. Thank you. My eyes fill with tears of joy as I think and pray for you. I Know The Lord blesses you as I give my best efforts. I Love you all and appreciate what you have given me throughout my life. Thank you for your light and love. You are great examples to me. Let us go for the one like Our Savior did. Let us continue to lift those burdens of others and mourn with those who mourn that we might go about doing good helping our Brothers and Sisters come back to the fold of Heaven. Let's again be like "Our Captain of Old" to cheer up the hearts of those around us with the great news of the Gospel. We can do it! The Captain of Salvation will ALWAYS be there for us. Love You All So much!

Much Love and Prayers Your way,

Elder LaMont/Shark Bait/ The Comeback Kid/ Your Alekken Ty/ Fellow Servant 

Health Update For Momma: Momma! Hope you know how much I love you. You are a true angel! You are a hero! My health is great! Feeling stronger every day. When we played Sports at the Ward Activity the Elders Quorum President said something like this (Best English translation) You look fit and strong! Must be a sports man!"
I dis scrape my knee playing Soccer. I got to the ball a lot quicker than one of the men who was playing with us but he left a shoulder in the challenge and knocked me to the ground. I did scrape the knee decently bad but a quick band aide helped me to continue to play the rest of the match and tie up the game 2-2 with a nice and cool finish like my Dad taught me.. with my Head over the ball! Life is good! Love You!! Yeah Dad... It was a nice goal you would have been proud! The Dancer ain't too bad with the Soccer Moves;) 

I tried on Elder Hable's Glasses to be funny. I look so fancy! XD

Who said there are not snakes in Vanuatu.... Sorry Grandma Nye.. 

This is Mama Tebu. She says we are here children. She loves to do missionary work. She reminds me of my grandmas so I love her! 

Celebrating the Year Mark with Coke! It reminds me of my Momma! 

When you hit the year mark and are just reflecting on life... and all you have been blessed to have. 

This is Elder Hable and I's house! It is the nicest home I have ever had in my mission! I am so blessed. We are big fans of the World Cup and the Apostles are also are heroes. It is P-Day today so hopefully you don't judge too hard on the shape of the house. We are going to clean it more! My Momma taught me how to clean! Love you Mom. Love you all! Hopefully they make it to you Mom. I know you wanted to see especially. I also included my bed! Still using the neck pillow. It is legit!

Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...