Sunday, May 26, 2019

Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Keep reading those scriptures! Have not opened them today? That is find open them now! Blessings are waiting for you. As a Disciple of The Lamb of God I plead with you to open the scriptures and pray to Your Father in Heaven! Don't waste another second or blessing waiting for you. Open them and feast upon the Words of Christ out of the Book of Mormon and other sacred scriptures.

Had a very cool teaching moment this week with a person we are teaching named Shiana. I felt very prompted while starting our lesson to shut up, ask how she is doing, and to listen. I obeyed immediately and we were blessed because of it. Thank goodness for the spirit. I asked how she was and she opened up. Despite the fact that she is very excited for her baptism date someone accused her of joining the church because of money. She felt very hurt and confused by their accusations. A scripture popped into my head in a second, with a very still and small voice which said, "I love her. Please tell her." The scripture is Matthew 5:10-12 A scripture my Dad once read to me stand above it about Christ't teachings to be a Peacemaker. It was a scripture I had read that morning for Personal Study. I testified that this would happen many times and that people have persecuted the People of God and even killed them since the time of Cane, the first murder. I testified she could find strength through the Savior. Then to my delight, a wonderful feeling entered the room and the Spirit carried my words into Shianna's heart. Her heart was comforted through the Great Comforter. And I swear I could almost hear the words. "Well done thou good and Faithful Servant." What a joy missionary work is for me. This was a very spiritual experience for me. I know scripture study is important for us to have the knowledge the Spirit of God can draw off of. As President Duquette often says you have to put the tools in your tool box (adding my own words here) so the Great Carpenter of Nazareth may apply his healing hand and create beautiful sculptures of miracles. What a joy it is to serve. Listen to the Spirit. He is there!

 I love to give the best attitude and work I can give for the Lord. I Love The Lord and want to serve Him with all my Heart, might, mind, and strength. To often I find I must repent and change but I love How The Lord Loves me so much and provides me with a way to change. No matter what happens during the day, I am feeling My Savior's Love and doing my very best to remember Him, Keeps His Commandments, and bring others to the Gospel. I am doing my best to be a blessing to my companions. I already love Elder 'Otuhouma and cherish him as another great companion with the many I have had the privilege of serving with. It is my greatest desire to finish strong and keep that going for when I return home. I love this work of being able to build up Zion in the South Pacific!

I love to see those we are teaching progress! I love, love, love to see their faces light up with understanding only the spirit can bring. Missionary work is such a joy! Sleeping and eating are now burdens. Don't worry Momma I still do both of those things! ;) Studying is a complete joy and a feast given by the Spirit, who I might add, is an excellent cook! One thing I really enjoyed from my studies this week came from Matthew 5:19 and James 1:22. Those who will be greatest in the Kingdom of God are those who not only taught what was right but lived what was right. Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only. I testify if we live they way we teach we will not only Be The Greatest in The Kingdom of God but be able to bring other souls there.

So Much Love,

Elder LaMont/Kolopokie/Shark Bait

Sorry, had problem with pictures! Next week Momma! I love you.

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...