Sunday, December 31, 2017

Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

My Dear Family and Friends, it is such a treasure and blessing to be able to write to you from the other side of the World!! I hope your Christmas was full of the spirit and that you all had a wonderful time!!!

I had the amazing experience to Skype my Family!!! What was even more amazing was that my brother Elder Keaton LaMont was also on the call. Our time was limited but I could not hold back the tears of joy that streamed across my face. I love my family so much and seeing them on that computer screen was the best Christmas Gift I have ever received. I am so so glad I was able to see my Brother Keaton. He has been an amazing missionary and a wonderful example to me! Go get em' Best Brother! Congratulations on serving a fantastic mission. Thank you for all the efforts that were put into making that call possible.

For Christmas we had a big party at the Mission President's House and were able to do a Gift Exchange, which was tons of fun! We sang hymns together and our Christmas was tons of fun!!

As far as New Years The Travel Elders were given a special assignment. In the bus we transported President and Sister Granger around the Island of Efate to make sure everyone was in their homes at 6:00. We also brought around New Years gifts of candy and cookies. New Years appears to be the holiday everyone loves to celebrate here in Vanuatu. Many parties everywhere you can think of! For this reason, President wanted to make sure everyone was in their homes.

This week Elder Burbank and I have been working very hard in our area. We have meet a lot of new people and have been able to have some great success! We had a lesson with Joma and Ivong two investigators we are helping to get baptized soon! While talking with them we meet another man named Ian. While walking back from our lesson with Joma and Ivong I talked with a  Ian. We were able to share about the Book of Mormon and we testified of it's truths. He immediately wanted us to come back to his home so we could explain everything to his wife. We had a fabulous lesson full of the spirit. If we had not felt inspired to have a lesson with Joma and Ivong (because we had to hike to a pond they were fishing at to have the lesson) we never would have meet Ian. The Lord is involved in His work and I testify He live. The Book of Mormon is The Word of God.

I am sorry this email is a little rushed but I did not have lots of time to email today and there is so much to say! Know that I love you all and pray for you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


Elda LaMont/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy

Monday, December 18, 2017

Shark Bait takes on another "Hell Week" and meets his new companion from Canada!


I do not have much time at all today to write but I have a few minutes to spare! I want you to know I love each and every single one of you. Thank you for your support love and prayers.

My new companion is Elder Burbank and I have taken over as Travel Elder #1 after flying Elda Gray home this last Saturday. Through the tender mercies of Our Heavenly Father Elder Burbank and I have been doing our best to do the new transfer, take care of the new arrives, transport others to new areas, and so much more. So much has happened this week! It has been one of the hardest weeks of my entire life but I testify The Lord has been with me through all of it. I am looking forward so much to the opportunity to Skype my family and share some of the great experiences I have been having!

Elder Burbank just came from New Caledonia and speaks French. He is very smart, kind, and is fan of sports. So, this companionship is going to be great! I will be training him how to be the new Travel Elder as well as teaching him the language of Bislama.

With what little time I have left I want to testify our Savior Jesus Christ lives. He has provided families with a way to be together forever. Our Heavenly Father loves us. We have a living prophet today. I want The Powelsons to know I love them.

Much prayers and love your way.


Elda LaMont/Shark Bait/ Island Boy/

Monday, December 11, 2017

Shark Bait takes the Wheels

FAMILE BLO MI, Mi glad we i glad lo spendum smol taem no mor lo talem yufala mi luvum yu withem ful haet blo mi. Neva forgetum how mus mi lovum yufala.

I would be lying if I said that this week was a simple one. But I have grown in my testimony that Our God loves us and gives us trials to make us stronger and come closer to Him. Never forget that our Savior Jesus Christ suffered for you individually. He took it upon his back so he would know how to comfort you. So, don't give up. Keep pressing forward. He will never leave you comfortless. I testify with my entire heart and soul that this is true.

This week I got fairly sick and many were worried I had a Mosquito Born illness. Which I was tested for and luckily do not have!! This week has been one of the hardest of my entire life but I have grown so much. We were also in the Office almost the full week as we are preparing for another "Hell Week." The only thing that will be different this time is that I will be taking the rains as Travel Elder 1 and Elda Gray will be going home this Saturday. I would be lying if I told you I was not nervous. I know The Lord will provide a way though.I will be getting my new companion this Wed. His name is Elder Burbank and he is coming from the New Caledonia part of his mission. So, he will know French but I will be put in charge to help train him as a New Travel Elder and teach him Bislama. He has been on his mission for a little bit so his experience will be most valuable.

I have also been very blessed because I have been making many great friends here on the mission. Many were worried about me when I was ill and have come bringing food and doing whatever else they could to help. Friends are a beautiful blessing. I challenge you all to look around and try to find those you could help. You do not have to look far to see someone in a worse position than you. Elder Bybee and Elder Kennedy are two of my greatest friends here on the mission and they are great examples to me of serving others.

I love you all and hope your weeks are amazing!! I did not have a lot of time for the update today I am sorry.

Much love,

Elda LaMont/Your Alekken Ty/ Shark Bait/ Island Boy

Monday, December 4, 2017

Nguna or BURST/ Shark Bait's Travel Across The Sea to Nguna


My dear family and friends I am very excited to be able to write to you toady! This week has been one of the craziest best experiences of not only my mission but my entire life. Elda Gray was chosen by President Granger to come to Solomon's Zone Conference because the new AP Elda Piol does not yet have a visa which will allow him to go to Solomons without being thrown in calabus or jail. So, Elda Gray went in his place and Elda Piol was left with yours truly.

I was then put in complete charge of Travel in the Mission. It was honestly a little scary but I have a testimony that The Lord can help anyone accomplish His work as long as they are willing and faithful. President also assigned Elda Piol and I to go to Nguna ( a very small island right next to Efate). Efate is the island that has Port Vila. Nguna is the AP's area and they can not go often since the only way to access the island is through boat. I was so excited to go!!

We needed to buy gas at a gas station to pay for our boat trip and we were on our way. Since Elda Piol is not authorized to drive the bus I drove to where the boat would leave which took about an hour through the crazy mountain roads of Efate. We sang to hymn songs the entire way there! The boat ride was incredible! The Ocean was a beautiful dark blue and we talked with people during the boat ride. When we got to the island we were able to work with the Branch leader to teach lessons.We taught a Mamma about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the spirit was amazing. We where also able to give her sick child a blessing. I testify that through righteous Priesthood holders God can help bless his children and that is what we were able to do during that lesson. The spirit was undeniably present.

I wish I had more time to explain all that I experienced but I just don't quite have it. I hope the pictures will help explain the amazing experience I had this week.

Know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and love you.
Much love from across the world,

Elda LaMont/Shark Bait/ Island Boy/ Your Alekken Ty

Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...