Sunday, November 25, 2018

Shark Bait's Excitement For Christmas Continues/ A Peculiar Happiness/ The Lord Is My Light/ A Little Piece of the Celestial Kingdom

My Dear Family and Friends!! How are you? I hope you know I pray and think of you often. I love the opportunities we get as missionaries to communicate with our loved ones. I love to read your emails and hear of your success! Today has already been amazing! It is our First actual P-Day in which we don't have a Zone Conference or are not traveling. The blessing of having time to clean the house, clean the truck, and do laundry was awesome! I love being super busy and working hard! There is no work greater than being able to serve the Lord as a Missionary. 

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate lots of Food! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reflect on the many blessing, which we have. My personal Study has caused me to truly reflect more on the greatest blessings we have ever received, The Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Personal Study Thoughts: This week I have continued to read through the Book of Mormon. I can not get enough of this great book! I know it's words are the words of a Living Christ whom desires so greatly for us to return home to Him and our Father in Heaven through His Atonement. I know we will draw nearer to God through reading and applying its Heavenly Messages. Don't stop reading it! If you haven't read it in a while, I plead with you to open in it and find the answers you so desperately need. Keep coming to the Savior! He will Be your light. 

My favorite chapter from the Book of Mormon this week was Mosiah Chapter 4. This chapter talks about how King Benjermain makes an end of speaking to His people and they come to a knowledge of their wickedness. They obtain strong Faith and Christ and have an experience with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which touched my heart. Here are the verses! 

Mosiah 4:1-3
1 And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the angel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and behold they had fallen to the earth, for the fear of the Lord had come upon them.

2 And they had viewed themselves in their own carnal state, even less than the dust of the earth. And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be purified; for we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth, and all things; who shall come down among the children of men.

3 And it came to pass that after they had spoken these words the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come, according to the words which king Benjamin had spoken unto them.

I know we can all have this experience with the Atonement. We never have to fear that our Father in Heaven will turn us away. He has provided His Son that we might experience this wonderful joy which comes from repentance and becoming more like Him! How blessed be are! :) 

Adventures This Week:

This week has been wonderful! We have worked hard and are continually blessed for our efforts. Let's recap some of the Magic, shall we?! ;) 

First one: Despite our travels we have been able to obtain people to teach and have had some awesome success! I know as we give our best we will continue to have success despite the many times we are not able to be in our area. It gets frustrating at times but I am NOT giving up. I love this work and I am giving all I can to be an obedient and faithful disciple of Christ. One person we have been working with is a man named Papa Edwin. I believe I have mentioned him before in an email. I have loved how Papa Edwin has sincerely loved the Book of Mormon. We have had some very powerful moments reading in it, which will stay with me forever. The difficulty now with Papa Edwin is the question about baptism. We really feel he has still not grasped the concept of Priesthood authority. We continue to testify he must pray and come to know for himself. What Papa Edwin needs is to come to church. Every Sunday since we have been teaching him a brand new problem magically appears to keep him from Church. There are so many voices trying to pull him away from the straight and narrow path. I know if he will just come to church the Lord will give him the answer he needs. Please pray for him. I love him and desire so greatly for him to come and partake of the Tree of Life. The fruits of the Gospel truly are the sweetest and will bring us joy, which will never end. 

Second Highlight: We have continued to work with Mama Vanessa after her baptism. Honestly, she is a Piece of the Celestial Kingdom! I love her so much! Her understanding is a lot like a child, so we have to teach slow but she truly loves God and wants to be a good mother for her children. I love working with her. We also got a new person we have been teaching to come to church! Whoohoo! No greater feeling then to see the people you love and our teaching come and experience the blessings of church. 

Third Highlight: Yesterday was a day, which really opened my eyes to something. We had many appointments set up for after church and both Elder Gunnell and I were super excited and ready to work very hard. Every single appointment that day fell through. It was super hot and we were exhausted. However Elder Gunnell and I were neither sad nor discouraged. We were cracking jokes the entire time, enjoying one another's company, and doing our best to talk with everyone we could. Despite the circumstances there is this amazing and peculiar happiness, which comes from doing the Lord's work and serving others. I really have learned this week if we focus on ourselves we will be miserable. But if we focus on others and the Savior instead we will find great amounts of joy! I love being a missionary! :) 

I will continue to pray for you and wish you find great amounts of happiness! This world is full of hard things to bear but we will find comfort and peace through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon, and by serving others. To make things even better the Lord gave us Chocolate and Ice Cream:) My Mom always taught me the importance of Ice Cream and Chocolate. 

Much Love, 

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy 

Health Update For Momma: Momma, doing fantastic health wise! I continue to put on Mosquito repellent, as you have asked. I drink lots of water and I continue to love eating Yogurt. I have changed in many ways but in a lot of the ways I am still the same person and my love for yogurt has never left me. Love you Mom!

That moment when you realize you have not taken a lot of photos this week and you grab a quick selfie for the Momma! 

The beautiful landscape of Tatoonie.... Just kidding.. It's our area! :) 

A drawing we made to help the people we are teaching understand the God Head! I am glad Elder Gunnell drew it and we did not have to go with my stick figures. Aren't they adorable? 

Me with Mama Tebu. I love her! She always helps us with Missionary work and reminds me of my Grandmas! :)

Hope you enjoy this version of Pictures of the Week! 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving! Trouble In Paradise/ We Keep On Pressing Forward/ Time is Flying Away/ Shark Bait's Week of Travel

Dear Family and Friends! I am sorry I did not have the chance to email yesterday. Because of Travel Arrangements back from New Caledonia I did not get a chance to email. However, blessings keep pouring in and President Duquette has gifted us a little bit of time to write our emails today! My heart always is full of joy as I think of each one of my family and friends. I will never be able to express how much your emails, love, support, prayers, and encouragement continue to press me forward. 

Some Thoughts From the Personal Study I have had this week:

So, I read Alma 5: 60-62 and it really touched me. The Good Shepherd has invited all of us to Come Unto Him. We are able to do this further as we embrace the new Come Follow Me Program. I have not had much time to look through it but I know it is from God. We are commanded to not let "Ravenous Wolves" enter or lives. This can be best related to things which our in life that our not in harmony with the Savior's teachings. They will devour us and destroy us. Wickedness will never be happiness! I read in  Come Follow Me that "We progress in our discipleship as we identify what we lack, change, and seek to more Fully Follow Them" (Our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ) 

I testify that if we will open our hearts to the teachings of the Savior and our Servants we will find true joy! 

This last week sure has been a crazy one! I am not sure how well I will be able to summarize all which has happened. But I am giving it my best shot, so hold onto those socks.. Here we go! 

We had not one but two Zone Conferences this week! One in the island of Santo( one of the islands in Vanuatu for those who do not know) and the other on the island of New Caledonia. How many missionaries can say they had two Zone Conferences in two different countries in one week? Travel sure has been a unique and great blessing in my mission! 

Santo Zone Conference Thoughts: The Zone Conference had a good feel and spirit to it. I feel as if the Missionaries there are having a hard time staying positive and getting a little bit discouraged. 
A big struggle of this part of the mission is working with the many branches. Due to the lack of education, leadership skills, and little experience in the church the missionaries must take a big lead in teaching the young branches of the church their how to do things.
 A great blessing, which I saw from the Conference, is how the Spirit poured into our hearts and has encouraged us to keep Pressing Forward! I love how the spirit teaches through the smallest of voices and in the most loving way.

Now to explain the craziness's which occurred with our flight. We arrived in Santo on Monday of last week and were suppose to leave Wednesday Morning. This would help us to leave for New Caledonia on Friday Night and then fly back to Vila yesterday or 19th of November. However, Air Vanuatu canceled our flight due to some problems with their plane and told us the only flight they could get for us would be Friday night or the same time that we were suppose to fly to New Caledonia. It looked like we would miss our flight to NC and the entire Zone Conference! This resulted in us chartering a Flight to get back to Vila so we could make our NC flight. It was a miracle! However, as President Duquette put it, Not a cheap miracle! 

The Charter Flight was one of the coolest planes I have ever been on! I have always dreamed of being on a small plane like that ever since I was little and wanted to be like Indiana Jones! Hope the pictures can show how cool the experience really was! 

New Caledonia Zone Conference Thoughts: This Zone Conference for Elder Gunnell and I was a little bit harder then the one in Santo because we both don't speak French. It was a lot of sitting and not understanding what was being said. But Elder Gunnell and I did the very best we could to bring positive energy, help the missionaries, and make life easier on President. One experience, which really touched me in New Caledonia, was attending a Conference. The entire thing was in French but it did not stop me from learning much! It gave me an eye opener to how people who come to church for the first time must feel. They don't know the language we know as members, don't know people around them, and feel they are in a world they don't know or may even feel a world they don't belong in. We must reach out to help all those we can feel they are at home when they come to church. 

I love you! It has been hard to explain the crazy week we have had but I hope this will do. The Lord is aware of us and loves us. We can do anything as we keep our focus on the Savior and on his teachings. I am praying for you. 

Much Love,

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Your Alekken Ty

Some of the Missionaries of New Caledonia. I don't know about you but I think we look cool enough to be on a movie Poster. 

Of course Elder Gunnell and I took advantage of the only McDonalds in our Mission found in New Caledonia. Bummm bahh bumm bahh We Are Loving It! ;)  

New Caledonia still in our mission but as close as to the exact opposite of Vanuatu as you can get! Shiny cars, nice apartments, roads without Pot Holes, street signs, and French. All these wonderful places have stolen my heart! I Love it Here! 

Reunited with Old Friends! It was good to see Elder Hable Again!

The Charter Plane in which we flew in. I think it looks a bit like when the "Magic School Bus" turns into a plane don't you?

Quick Selfie Before Hopping into the Plane 

Almost ready for Take off!! 

You are pretty confident you are going yo have a safe flight when your Mission President is the Co-Pilot!

The View From the Charter Flight.

Woah... That is a long way down.. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ward Activity!!!

We came up with a wonderful idea to bring the Priesthood closer and help the less actives! A Priesthood Game Night! Yes! We even got a Pool Table! Thought you would enjoy these pictures!

Shark Bait's Start into November/Irronia Mon Frère !! /The Three Musketeers/ Mama Vanessa's Baptism/ Those Lightbulb Moments

Dearest Family and Friends! 

What a wonderful adventure it has been for Elder Gunnell and I this week. It has been a bit of a Roller Coaster but we have seen so many blessings. There truly are no dull moments in the work of Salvation! One blessing I am loving it is now November but it is still very warm here in Vanuatu! I have indeed missed the change of the season (especially the color of all the leaves changing) However I don't miss the cold!

I again would love to share some thoughts, which have come throughout the week and through my studies! :) 

We taught a wonderful Family Home Evening the other night. We took a glass of clear water and explained this is how we look after baptism. Clean and pure. Then we dumped in a red fruit mix drink and taught about how sin makes us dirty and of the effects of sin. We then took bleach and poured it into the cup mixing it in and to the astonishment of those we taught made the liquid again become clear. We taught how Christ can completely cleanse us from any sin if we will come unto Him. 

I testify this is true. There is no sin, illness, pain, or sorrow the Lord Jesus Christ can't heal. He will not leave us to suffer if we will but come and take of His Living waters. He will make us clean and help us back onto our feet once again. It is never too late. I know He Lives and stands ready to help every single one of us. 

Isaiah 1:18 

18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool 

Now we move to the adventures of the week!! :) Hold onto your socks here we go! Off to Neverland... I mean... Vanuatu... It's pretty much the same thing right..? ;) 

This week we gained another companion! Because of some of the issues with the transfer/ some issues in Nouvelle Calédonie we had Elder Tetuaiterai (and Elder who has been serving in NC) stay with us during the week. He is from Tahiti and his English is extremely limited. So, much of the week was spent communicating in Broken Bislama and my broken French! Haha! We have had some fun times trying to talk. Being able to communicate with others is kind of like your health. You don't appreciate it until it's gone or you no longer have it!  

Elder Tetuaiterai is like one of those giant teddy bear kind of guys. He loves to laugh, when he shares his testimony you can really feel the spirit, desires to be everyone's friend, and can eat A LOT of food. These wonderful people of the South Pacific can really chow down food. It's amazing.  I have had the opportunity to learn a tiny but more French and even learned a few things in Tahitian. Irronia is how you say hello in Tahitian! 

Elder Tetuaiterai only stayed with us this last week and left Sunday night.  
And this week will be quite insane. I am currently writing this on Sunday because tomorrow we leave for Santo Zone Conference. We will be there Monday-Wednesday night. Then we have one day in Vila (Thursday) and then the following morning we fly to New Caledonia and don't get back until Monday night next week. Whheew! It will be busy but fantastic at the same time. Sorry if I don't get to you on emails. 

One of the most amazing experiences of this wonderful week was Mama Vanessa's Baptism! If you don't recall Mama Vanessa is a wonderful lady we found in the Area Book. One of her younger sisters is actually a member so we found her this way. Vanessa's record in the Area Book said she was not keeping commitments so the past Elders stopped teaching her. We started teaching her and had a strong desire from the get go to make sure we taught to her needs. We found out the reason she could not keep any of the commitments is because she can't read and didn't really know how to pray. 
We have worked extremely hard with her and have carefully tried to teach to her understanding. Time and time again she amazes me. She is a single mother with four very young children. Yet, she gets her kids ready for church every Sunday and brings them the entire time. Despite the fact she was scared to be taught by us, because she has never gained an education, she has done her best to understand what we taught her. Mama Vanessa has shown me truly what Faith is. Her strong desire to want to know more about God, Follow the example of the Savior, be a good mother, and be a righteous person had moved her past her fears. With God all things are possible. And Faith will always cast out our Fears. 

She was baptized and confirmed this last Saturday and Sunday! I am so proud of her and all she has done. I was deeply moved by how happy Vanessa was and by how many of the ward members have worked together to help her. Even during the baptism, there were several other Mothers holding her kids so she could enter the font. I love the concept of a Beehive. How a Beehive has so many Bees yet they all work together in harmony to make honey, care for the needs of the larva, and serve the Queen. Hopefully our Wards can be the same! We work together to bring the sweet taste of honey or the Spirit, we help the lava or needs of those in our ward (mourn with those whom mourn stand in comfort those who stand in need of comfort) ,and we do all we can to serve the Queen of the Hive or The Savior Jesus Christ (Mosiah 2:17) Do we do all we can to help the Hive Function? Could we be doing more? Are we looking out for the needs of others? Do we loose ourselves in the great Ministering work? There is much work to do! We can do it. We can bless and help others and as we do I know we will find more joy. 

One last story. When Elder Gunnell and I were contacting this one day we found a man named Papa Edwin. Edwin is a terrific man and his knowledge of the Bible is incredible. As we have discussed some of the lessons with him we have really focused on teaching with the Book of Mormon. I am impressed with Elder Gunnell's scriptural knowledge and ability to teach how the Book of Mormon and Bible go hand  in hand. I feel we are learning a lot from one another. As we were teaching about the Plan of Salvation I shared a verse from Alma 40: 23 about how we would all be resurrected. His face lit up (Light Bulb Moment!) and he exclaimed, "Ohhhhh! Really?? That's how it works? I love how this Book teaches so clear. I understand. Why had my Pastor not taught me about this?" We again taught how these truths had been lost but then brought again by the power of God through the Prophet Joseph Smith. He told us he was not going to be able to sleep tonight and would plan on reading the Book of Mormon throughout the night! We are excited with his progression thus far. 
I know and testify the Book of Mormon is the truest book in all the World. It is the words of Christ. They truly are His Words and He will show unto us they truly are His words by the power of The Holy Ghost.
2 Nephi 33: 10- 11 and Moroni 10: 3-5 

My family and friends, I love you. I pray for you. I Hope you have wonderful week and find ways to help those around you. There is no greater joy than being about Our Father's Work! 

Love Forever,

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy

We introduce Elder Tetuaiterai to Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. It's sad to think some people don't know about this amazing invention! We saved him!! 

This is a less active family we have been working with. Their house has the coolest view so we snapped a quick picture! 

Maybe Elder Tetuaiterai thought the Book of Mormon was a PB and J? This is some of Vanessa's kids! 

Vanessa's Baptism!! What a great blessing. 

Alright kids, how do we feel about Vanessa getting baptized? Two thumbs up! 

No changing of leaves but Vanuatu is still beautiful!


Well, we were about to have our baptism and this girl walked up with this shirt. My jaw hit the ground and I asked if we could get a picture! She was cool enough to snap one with me! 

I think it is a sign!!! Go RSL!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!! Please tell me we won!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Shark Bait's Spooky Halloween/ Solo Nah Peh/ Elder LaMont Yu Howia/ Fill or Bust?!

Dearest Family and Friends! 

Before I go any further, I wanted to wish my amazing parents a Happy Anniversary!!! Happy 11-11 my beautiful parents! I am so grateful for both of you, the love you have for one another, the love you always have given to us kids, and the example of pure love which you have always displayed before me. My eyes fill with tears of gratitude to think of what you have accomplished together! Our beautiful home has always been one the spirit could reside, a place we could build our testimonies of this Restored Gospel, and a Safe Haven of love and joy. I could never thank you enough for what you have sacrificed on my behalf. I hope one day to build my own home with that same type of love. I love you! 

How was your Halloween?!? I hope you enjoyed some fun times, got lots of candy, and stayed safe! What did you dress up as? 

I wanted to share again some amazing things I have learned in my Personal Study! :) 

I found this wonderful verse from Enos 1:27 followed by a verse found in 2 Nephi 33:6. These wonderful verses really helped me to ponder on the basic yet powerful teachings which come from the Restored Gospel. Specifically the powerful truth found in the Third Article of Faith. It teaches: We believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.  I know with all my heart this is true The Ordinances of the Gospel, the first being baptism, help us close our distance away from Heaven. We can become more like our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ as we take upon ourselves these ordinances. When we keep the commandments of God we find true and everlasting Happiness. I know when we don't keep the commandments of God this is where we truly find captivity and sadness. 

The Greatest Commandment is to love the Lord God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. But the greatest truth of all Eternity is God loves us with all His heart, might, mind, and strength. And He Has provided the way through His perfect Son so we can rise again from the grave, be made clean from all our sins, and live with Him again for all time and Eternity as families. It is never too late to come back into the loving embrace of Our Father in Heaven. As we learn from Revelations 7: 13-17 the people whom are saved in the last day will come out of great tribulation but God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. You are not lost. You are not forgotten. I testify that you are a child of God and your name is known in Heaven. You come from Loving Heavenly Parents who desire so greatly that you become like them and receive Eternal joy which awaits all whom are faithful in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can make it! 

I testify the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know with all my heart and soul that Joseph Smith translated it through the Power of God to fulfill the purpose of our All knowing Father. I know it testifies and teaches of Christ. It will bring us closer to Our Savior and Father in Heaven and answer the questions of the soul, which we have. I know the words spoken in this book are the words of Christ through His chosen prophets. They will teach us all things which we need to do and they will heal the wounded soul (Jacob 2:8) In 3 Nephi 11:15 we learn of the Savior's appearance to the Americas after His Resurrection. It is said how the people were able to go one by one to thrust their hands in his side and feel the prints of the nails of His hands. They were able to know for a surety and bear record that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God and is our Savior. 

I know we can receive this same witness. But how? By reading the Book of Mormon. I will promise you the same thing which our Mission President promised us. Through reading the Book of Mormon we too can go one by one and bear record and know of a surety Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God by the Power of the Holy Ghost. He will become more real in our own lives and we will be able to see the Hand of Him and the hand of His Father (Our Father) who sent Him more and more in our lives. In a way we all are able to go forward and feel the print of the nails in His hands as we read. Read, read, read it! And never stop. He lives! I testify with all my heart and soul He loves and knows us. As we follow and understand what is taught in this book we will find the light of the Good Shepherd and be lead back to our home in Heaven. Never loose faith and Hope. Take this light to those who are in the dark. Let's go to Our Heavenly Home together.

I know our Halloween would be pretty Spooky since this past week we have traveled to the Solomon Island! Sometimes it is a little spooky over here because of the Beattlenut. For those of you who do not know what it is allow me to explain. Beatlenut is a nut which grows on a tree. They first take the nut off the tree, then they grind up Lyme corral from the beach. They chew the Beattlenut, take the leaf from the Beattlenut tree, and dip it in this Lyme (which they make it into this salt like thing)  When they are chewing on the Beattlenut and then eat the Lyme coated leaf it then causes a chemical reaction. This chemical reaction gives them a high or buzz. It is very addictive and is another trap of the Devil to ensnare people in addiction. The scary part about it is how it makes their mouths and lips bright red. They then spit this everywhere and anywhere. So, it really was the perfect place to have Halloween! 

The Zone Conference was a success! In the Solomon Zone we only have 18 Elders (It would not be a safe place for Sister Missionaries) The Elders here have really grown in unity and there is this wonderful spirit of brotherhood and friendship. Most the Elders here are from the island of Tonga. If you have not meet an Elder from Tonga let me explain them. They are quick to love, love to laugh, and can eat SO MUCH! I love the people of the isles of the seas. They are so special and I can feel the Love our Father in Heaven has for them. 

An awesome theme which we have been discussing during our Zone Conferences is How our Personal commitment to our Baptismal Covenants can help us Invite Others to Come Unto Jesus Christ. We covenant with Our Father in Heaven to take upon ourselves the name of His Son, Keep His Commandments, to help serve our Brothers and Sisters around us, and to stand as a  witness of God at all times. In return Our Father in Heaven allows for us to come clean and to always have His Spirit to be with us. This truly opens the way for us to gain Eternal Life with our Families. Sometimes I feel we all overlook the simple yet amazing truths of the Gospel. We are so so blessed! Jesus Christ truly has provided the way. His arm of mercy is extended to all of us no matter who we are or what we have done. He will heal us and help us return to our home. Not only that but we can be a blessing in the lives of our families and those around us by doing as he did and Ministering to his Sheep. I Love this Gospel and how it perfectly fits into all of our lives and hearts. Follow the Savior. He knows the way!! As the Amazing hymn  "Come Follow Me." Powerfully declares. 

One of my favorite parts of our entire trip was going on exchanges! We had the opportunity to go out with one companionship as well as get in our exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Although we have only been in the Solomon Islands for a few days I have already developed a great love for the amazing people here! They have almost nothing yet they are a kind and loving people much like the people in Vanuatu. 

 It is hard to come here and try to adjust to the Pidgin language when your brain is so hard wired into Bislama. If you can speak Bislama then you can basically speak Pidgin you just have to change around a few words and phrases. It provided for quite a challenge! But I love learning new things and skills! 

A fun part of the trip was playing games with the Zone Leaders. Allow me to explain! Elder Gunnell is a huge fan of board games and card games like me! He brought to games, which we challenged the Solomon Zone Leaders in when we stayed with them. The first one was a game I had never played before called Fill or Bust. It is super fun! The next game is actually one I played at a Park Day before my Mission called "Bang!" I have gotten a lot better in it after our the few times we played it on our Solomons trip so I wanted the Sanders (Especially Ashley, Jacob, and Andrew) to know my skills have gotten better so they better prepare themselves if we ever play again.
One of the Zone Leaders Elder Tupou got sick of us beating him in the games and the common phrase of the night became, "Elder LaMont Yu Howia??" which basically means in Pidjin something like: why do you have to be like that? I wish I could have recorded him saying it! It was super funny. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you.

Love Forever,

Elder LaMont, Your Alekken Ty, Shark Bait The White Island Boy

P.S. Dad RSL win sounded crazy! Go RSL! Love you :)

Pictures of the week -Solomon Islands

Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...