Sunday, September 30, 2018

Dancing In The Rain/ You're 16 Going on 17 🎶/ Jessica's Baptism/ Old Times Coming To an End/ Vanuatu Arrival Onr Year Mark/ I Love A Rainy Night

Hello Dearest Family and Friends!! How are you??? I pray your weeks have been wonderful and full of opportunities to partake of the amazing gift of life Out Father in Heaven has granted to each and every one of us.

 How blessed are we!?! There are so many reasons to rejoice and so, so many things we have been given from Our Heavenly Father. For one, I have really been reflecting on the wonderful gift that is Families and Temples. I know Families can be together forever through the Sealing Power of God's Priesthood in His Holy Temples. The grave has NO power because of the Loving Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! Death is never the end because of what The Savior did. He suffered, was bruised, died, and was Resurrected in order to fulfill the Great Plan of God. Although imperfect we can be made clean to and rise to live in Eternal Happiness with Our Father in Heaven and Loved ones... FOREVER!! 

I testify with all my heart and soul of this message, I try and be worthy to teach, through the spirit each day. That message is one, which isn’t too complex, but can rings true with a burning sensation in each of our hearts through the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. That Jesus is the Christ. And through His eternal sacrifice and commandments we can be lead back home to a God whom is Our Father in Heaven. A Father in Heaven who created this plan that we might become Ultimately like Him, receive all He has, live with Him and Our Families in Eternal Joy for all Time and Eternity. How great is (2 Nephi 9:13) the Plan of Our God!

 I often like to think back to the wonderful memories that come from Primary and to my favorite songs, which helped me learn these Eternal Principals at such a young age. How grateful I am for the Primary program and all those loving and patient Primary teachers who give their best to teach the future generations! I am grateful for all you who give their very best in their callings to serve the Lord! 

This Primary Song Being one of my Favorites taught me of the Great Plan of Salvation at a Young age! I thought I would share: 


1.) I lived in Heaven a long time ago, it is true; Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you. Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan, All About earth and eternal salvation for man. 

2.) Father said he needed someone who had enough love. To Give his life so we al could return there above. There was another who sought for the honor or divine. Jesus said, "Father, send me, and the glory be thine."

3.) Jesus was chosen, and as the Messiah he came, Conquering evil and death through this glorious name, Giving us hope of a wonderful life yet to be Home in that heaven where Father is waiting for me. 

The best part of the week was Jessica's baptism! We have worked very hard with her and her family. And despite all the efforts of the devil and any other force she was baptized this Saturday! The best part was her older brother. He is also a convert to the church and has only been a member for about a year now. When we told him we wanted him to make the baptism he was very scared. However we taught him how to do it and his wife said he practiced every night. The biggest smile appeared on his face when he finished the baptism. There was another girl who had just turned 8 and when asked by our ward mission leader the brother of Jessica (no no the brother of Jared ;) Haha! I think I am funny!) said he would perform her baptism as well. 

Oh how great it is to be on a mission! Thank you for your endless prayers and support. I feel your love through emails, letters, and the angels that I am sure protect me, which come from so many prayers on my behalf. I am sorry if this is not the most detailed update. Please know I am well, happy, and especially excited for Christmas to see and talk to my family. I pray for you. I love you! I know this Gospel is true. I am so grateful for my testimony, my mission, my family, other loved ones, and my Savior. Hold to the iron rod! You can do anything! So much love to all of you!

Love Forever,

Elder LaMont/ Your Alekken Ty/ Come Back Kid/ Shark Bait/ Van Persie!

Hey Awesome People whom I Love! You are all the best! Hope you enjoy some photos from the wonderful adventures I had this week. I hope I got everyone and the photos load. Let me know if it did not work. I will get them to you! 

Working With President in Our Area... I don't know about you... but I think President has the sharpest Haircut out of all of us. I have heard a missionary legend. If you walk through a lot of rain your future wife will be more gorgeous.... Looks like I am on my way to a good path ;) 

Jessica's Baptism!! Her brother got to perform the ordinance! We are so happy and proud of both of them! 

Posing before the baptism... Yeah you know we look good! ;) 

With all the wonderful children of Vanuatu! :) 

This giant beetle wanted to learn more about the Law of Chastity.... We had to have quite a discussion on it because I think he was doing a Mating Call as he sat on the book... I am not sure he understood. 

We got a New car!!! What do you think? I think it looks like it is in very good condition. Elder Hable does look concerned however... 

Just kidding... Here is the new Truck we got. President got a new one so we got President Granger's old Truck. I named him Gatston :) 

When you realize that Elder LaMont has candy.. 

P.S. Momma, if you send a Christmas package could you send lot of fun stickers? All the kids here love stickers! This little guy right here really loves, Lightning MQueen. I have searched Vila for them and could not find them. Could you send some? He would love it! :) 

Love Forever, 

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Alekken Ty 

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...