Monday, November 27, 2017



My dear family and friends! It is once again this amazing time I get to email you. I am so grateful for a Loving Heavenly Father who has provided us with a way to stay in contact. This week has had its ups and downs and I am grateful for what I have both learned and experienced. When they tell you a mission is not easy. They are not lying. This is the hardest thing I have ever done but I have never experienced more joy and satisfaction then I am now.

This week Elda Gray basically gave me the reigns on Travel Elder. I have been in charge of making and issuing all flights driving the bus around the crazy streets of Port Vila and so much more. I am not perfect and have already made a few mistakes however Heavenly Father is a patient and loving teacher.

Sunday was probably the best day of the week! I have been trying my best to learn how to takeover things when Elda Gray leaves. Updating the area book in Bislama was a pretty amazing experience as I was able to see just how far I have come. During personal Study I read in the Buk Blong Momon about Captain Moroni and I taught a lot of the lesson on Sunday with what I learned in my study. I did my best to express the importance of putting on the armor of God.  I had a friend testify to me that Personal Study is a time we can have a personal tutoring class with our Savior. I testify of the truthfulness behind his words. The Master is very much alive and involved in His work. I testify that Jesus is The Christ and the only Begotten of The Father. He did give His life for us and conquered death so that we might live again with our families. Come unto Him and you shall find rest and peace.

Thanksgiving was amazing! If I had more time I would share picture of what we ate as a District! Unfortunately I had a hard time with pictures so my time is very limited today. Our District leader is from Tauhiti and he made a Tauhitan dish made out of raw fish. It was amazing!

I want you to know I love each and everyone of you. Please remember your importance to Our Heavenly Father. You are one of His children.

Much love,

Elda LaMont/Shark Bait/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy

Fresh Haircut 

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...