Sunday, March 10, 2019

Shark Bait's GREAT Week/ Nothing Can Stop the Growth of The True Church/ Adorable Little Rascal

Hello, Hello beautiful People! My Family and Friends you are awesome! I think of you often and hope you know you are in my prayers. I love your emails and can't thank you enough for sending them.

This week has been really awesome for Elder Gunnell and I! We are working hard, being blessed with people to teach, and having a lot of success. I have really enjoyed working this week. 

I had a moment this week which touched my heart. Elder Gunnell and I came back to have some lunch (We make a mean PB and J) and Elder Gunnell and I watched a talk from Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf called, "Behold The Man" In his talk Elder Uchtdorf bore a very powerful testimony of the Savior and how we must come to know Him as The Son of God. While we sat their eating our lunch I just felt a great warmth of gratitude Gratitude for the Savior and how we have a living Prophet and Disciples. We are so blessed! 

Two awesome experiences I would like to share! 

The first one: We were headed to a lesson and we ended up having a quick chat with a lady named Georgette. She was very curious about who we are and what two white boys in white shirts were doing walking around in Vanuatu. Georgette currently attends the Catholic church and was very willing to shares some of her beliefs. Our lesson with her ended up going so well!  After we shared how Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the boy Joesph Smith we said something I will not forget. She said," I have felt something different. I don't know what it is. I will pray about what you have said. I have to know if this is true." It once again strengthened my testimony to see just how through the tiny prickling of the heart comes through the Holy Ghost. He is the true teacher of truth! How wonderful it is to be a missionary! 

We started teaching a lady named Rini and her man named Donald. We have an awesome lady in our ward named Mama Winnie who started sharing the Gospel with Rini at her work. Winnie even went with us for our lesson and the spirit really was there as we testified of the Restoration. Winnie has been a great example to me how we can and should share the Gospel with everyone and anyone! We are all God's Children and need to have the wonderful blessings only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring. 

Just today we went with Max to try and help him get everything figured out about getting him divorced. After several hours of waiting and talking with the Marriage Office and even a Priest at the Presbyterian Church (Who did his marriage back in 2005) we found he did not have a record and will not need to go through a divorce! Talk about miracles! 

I Love you! Hope all of your weeks are fantastic! 


Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy

Elder Gunnell, Elder LaMont, and Max

Elder LaMont and Max

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...