Monday, June 18, 2018

Shark Bait's First Trip to Santo/ World Cup Fever Father's Day

Dad, I wanted to start out by saying I love you. Happy Father's Day!!! Thinking about you a lot especially as awesome members keep me updated on World Cup. Germany lost to Mexico?! How is France?? GO ICELAND, FRANCE, AND BELGIUM!!! Love you Dad. 

Hello beautiful family and friends! It is the time once again to write to you! How the time is going by so fast, and I wish I could make it slow down.. However, I am happy to report things are still amazing in this glorious part of the world! It has been a hard-working, miracle/adventure filled, and exhausting week for Elder Hable and I! Really could have not gone better for us here in Paradise. 

The first part of the week Elder Hable, The Grangers, and I flew to Santo. For those who don't know, Santo (or it's full name Espritaro Santo meaning Holy Ghost) is another island here in Vanuatu. It was about an hour flight from our island of Efate. We immediately got off our plane and got to the chapel to be a part of the last Zone Conference the Granger's will have in Santo. I will admit that plane travel is exhausting... But in no way am I complaining. I only wish you could see what I am able to witness. This Assistant Work can be really tough since we are still trying to have success in our area in Vila but the traveling is fantastic! The Zone Conference in Santo went really well! We are hoping to inspire and uplift this part of the mission because it has recently been struggling. Elder Hable and I reminded them of  the divine potential we all have as well as our sacred calling to Invite Others to Come Unto Christ. The Spirit guided our words and helped us during our trainings. It was Legit! 

I don't know if it helped the Zone but it sure helped me remember something pretty important. I am a Son of God. Have you taken a moment to ponder on this wonderful truth?!?! You are a daughter or son of a Living Heavenly Father. Your true home is not here. Do you sometimes imagine our Heavenly Parents holding us in Their arms hoping through faith and love we would return to them one day? How great this True Gospel Is! We should never forget where we come from. I am certain if we take more time to ponder where are souls are from we would be less likely to think mean things about ourselves, put ourselves down, or think less of our special self’s. Don't let the adversary use this trick. You are special. I encourage you to read my favorite hymn. 

(#292)  "O My Father"

1. O my Father, thou that dwellest
                                                                        In the high and glorious place,
                                                                        When shall I regain thy presence
                                                                        And again behold thy face?
                                                                        In thy holy habitation,
                                                                        Did my spirit once reside?
                                                                        In my first primeval childhood
                                                                        Was I nurtured near thy side?
                                                                        2. For a wise and glorious purpose
                                                                        Thou hast placed me here on earth
                                                                        And withheld the recollection
                                                                        Of my former friends and birth;
                                                                        Yet ofttimes a secret something
                                                                        Whispered, “You’re a stranger here,”
                                                                        And I felt that I had wandered
                                                                        From a more exalted sphere.
                                                                        3. I had learned to call thee Father,
                                                                        Thru thy Spirit from on high,
                                                                        But, until the key of knowledge
                                                                        Was restored, I knew not why.
                                                                        In the heav’ns are parents single?
                                                                        No, the thought makes reason stare!
                                                                        Truth is reason; truth eternal
                                                                        Tells me I’ve a mother there.
                                                                        4. When I leave this frail existence,
                                                                        When I lay this mortal by,
                                                                        Father, Mother, may I meet you
                                                                        In your royal courts on high?
                                                                        Then, at length, when I’ve completed
                                                                        All you sent me forth to do,
                                                                        With your mutual approbation
                                                                        Let me come and dwell with you.

A pretty special hymn and truth. Don't forget! 

Something really awesome happened on the plane back to Vila from Santo. A man across from Elder Hable and I (from Australia) started asking us questions. His first one being, "Wow. Boys. Do you iron your shirts and pants everyday? Why do you do that? How young did you say you were again?"
My answer: "Shirt, yes! :) My Momma taught me how to iron a shirt! We would love to answer your questions!" One question lead to another and then he asked, "So, does your faith believe in the trinity?" We knew we had him after that question :) . We taught him The Restoration, answered his questions, and gave him a Book of Mormon while in the sky! He loved it and said he is very excited to read the Book of Mormon! My Mission is pretty awesome! I have taught people in boats and now in planes... That was the first time I have taught a white man in English though... Crazy times! The Lord really blessed us with this experience to remind us that although we have our Assistant assignment our calling to Invite Others To Come Unto Christ remains! 

We also went to New Caledonia later in the week for President and Sister Granger's last ZC there. Because it is a little colder and they speak French it provided me an opportunity to wear my jumper and speak some French. I'm getting sort of better! I had my first lesson in French, which was so legit!! My French is still pretty bad but I like to think of something a missionary I look up to greatly told me, "We all have to start somewhere." I'll get there if it is The Lord's Will. If I still can't express my Love for this beautiful people in the amazing tongue of French I'll just use my body language to show love and testify (somehow) of Christ. All things are possible through God and Faith. Mosiah 8:18, "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." 

My family! How great it is to hear of your success and happiness! Mom and Dad enjoying the garden and helping with this awesome new cabin. Keaton becoming friends with Rafiki the kitten and being a stud to our sisters/ being with his awesome girlfriend Luci a.k.a. JEPPSEN!! Claire rocking out hard work on the ACT and driving abilities and showing that not only is she beautiful on the outside but also the inside. And sweet Vivie speaking on Sacrament Meeting. It was a beautiful talk Vivie, and I bet you delivered it with such energy and spirit much like everything you do! Dearest friends and other loved ones, how grateful I am to receive your emails of encouragement. I know I don't always have time to respond to you individually but I hope you know of my love! I love every email I get. Thank you! Much love to you! 

Dad!! Loving the World Cup Updates! Thank you! :) I appreciate your efforts to keep me included! Elder Hable and I are always excited by your updates. We always ask our investigators too.. :) Keep them coming if you can. Sure do love you! 

Until Next Week Olgeta Man wei mi luvum tumas! 

Elda LaMont, Shark Bait, Your Alekken Ty, A VERY big fan of The World Cup who loves any/all updates provided to him

P.S. Yes! I do know a Sister Thornley! She is a very good friend of Elder Hable and I. One of the STLs in New Cal! I am excited you got an invite from the Hable family. Please tell them I love working with their son! I love my companion.  

A picture with President Granger. Sure am going to miss him. I will probably cry... Perhaps a lot... Exciting times though. It will be great to have PrĂ©sident Duquette!! 

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...