Sunday, June 24, 2018

Jesus Loves You/ The Ground Dances/ Farewell To President and Sister Granger is Close Now/ Shark Bait Lives Another Week!

Dearest Friends and Family!! How are you? Did you know I love you? I do hope so! How grateful I am for each and every one of you. I wish I could better express the Love I have for you! May the Lord bless you for your righteous hearts. Know Our Father In Heaven loves you. 

Yes! This week we had the opportunity to witness a 6.1 Earthquake here in Port Vila! We are safe and happy. It is incredible to see the amazing power of Mother Earth. Elder Hable and I were planning our day when everything started o shake like I have never felt before. We both looked at each other with the same look of amazement and fear. It was Awesome! Our Fridge and the apartment floor began to dance like me during Cha-Cha!! Sorry if I worried you at all. Still in one piece and loving life!! :) 

This week has been fantastic for me! Yes. It has indeed been hard and challenging. But I have grown and developed more love. Love for Our Father In Heaven, Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and for the people here. President Granger will no longer be our President, as Président Duquette will come this week! Life is going so fast! Because it is the last week of President Granger he told us he wanted to go out and work with us. He got about 500 Pass Along Cards and told Elder Hable and I, "We are going to handout everyone of these. And we won't come back until they are all gone!"

 It was a fantastic experience as we did all we could to talk with anyone we came in contact with. Probably the most memorable person I talked to was not who I was expecting. A white Australian Lady. I offered her a Pass Along Card saying, "Hey! Would you like to learn more about Jesus!?" I would like to add that this was one of the only people I spoke English to. She responded with, "Are you a Mormon?" Me: "Yeah!!" Her: "Well, what do you know about Jesus?? Take your card back. I will only teach the true things of Christ." A little hurt and shocked I quickly thought of the most Christ like I could say. All I managed as she stormed off was, "Well, Jesus Loves You!" The Lady continued her trotting off without a second thought. And then the spirit warmed my soul. And told me what I simply taught was true. Before my mission, I would have nothing good to say about this woman. Now, I can't help and think, Jesus loves her. He loves me. He loves you. He loves us all. What a great Eternal truth this is! I am so thankful for what the spirit taught me during this experience! Christ will always have open arms toward us! 

Here are some thoughts I had during discussions with my companion, scripture study, and prayer. Just some thoughts I wanted to share because when we know something/when you feel The Lord reveals something to you; you should share it! First. The Mission Field is truly the "MTC For Life." Let's start with some basic components of missionary work. Companions. How important are companions? What does The Lord want to teach his missionaries through companions? I think the basic principle of how we are so desperately in need of support of Eternal companions, and the continual support of a Loving Father in Heaven, through his valiant Son's Atonement. We need companions. From the age of 8 and on we need the companionship of The Holy Ghost. He guides, protects, and shows the love of God The Father and of The Savior Jesus Christ. We cannot progress without the Savior. We need the support and strength that comes though Christ's Atonement. We learn and I testify that we cannot go farther than the eternal Light of That Precious Atonement shines. We need it. We can't do this alone. One of my favorite chapters in The Book of Mormon is Alma 26. Two verses I feel inspired to share come from verses 11 and 12, which state, 

"11 But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.

12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

We really need the companionship of the Savior, which comes through the Holy Ghost. Lastly, God The Father teaches in His Holy Temples of the importance of Eternal Marriage. How about that?? Another companion!? Yes. We are taught that we cannot progress, and even obtain all God has, even Exaltation without a companion. This means what? That even God The Father the greatest of all needs a companion. We do have a Mother who I know Loves Us. We do not speak of these things often not because they are secrets. But because they are sacred. You are a precious son or daughter of Loving Heavenly Parents. They want you to be happy not just now but For ETERNITY!! This is why we are taught these things. We need companions. And that is what I believe God is trying to teach those of us who are in the Mission Field. We must work in unity. Cool thought huh!? Wanted to also share 2 Nephi 22:2. How much do you Love The Savior? How do you show it to others? 

My Family and Friends, my heart swells worth joy to read your emails and hear of your success and experiences. I read them. I love them. Thank you for sending them! 


Much Love,

Elda LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Island Boy/ Your Alekken Ty/ Probably the Whitest Dude on Vanuatu 

P.S. Dad! Thank you so much for keeping me a little updated on The World Cup. It is fun to know things because first off, I love it! Second, it actually comes in handy while contacting. No joke! The people of Vanuatu are my kind of people! They are so excited for the World Cup and it so on everyone's lips! Honestly, by the end of two years maybe all of my family and friends should just come here. I love it here with all my heart! 

So, we had our last Zone Conference and we learned a tribal dance from Gaua (island in Vanuatu) to perform for President and Sister Granger! It was awesome! I really got into it! More ZC photos! Allez Les Bleus ! Go France! Vive La France !  I serve in the most beautiful place in all of the world! 

I also pulled some more money for gift for President and Sister Granger.. Hope it was okay. Small gift! As well as money for France jersey. Still looking to maybe purchasing a small suitcase because we will be traveling a lot with Président Duquette very soon. Love you all!!

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...