Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Miracle of Thelma's Baptism Shark Bait Hits the big One Nine!

Dearest Family and Friends, 

I am so very thankful for this opportunity to write and share some of the thoughts of such a fantastic week! Many great things made up one of the best weeks of my mission! I almost do not even know where to start!

One of the great things for this week would be Zone Conference. Although planning out Zone Conference is not the easiest thing for Elder Hardy and I we had a fun time. We had the Tanna Zone come as well so we had to plan for more Elders! Zone Conference really was amazing! Elder Hardy and I also were given the opportunity to give some training. We came up with a pretty good idea, which we thought turned into a decent training! We had a lot of help from our prayers! For our training we called up two Elders. We had one Elder extend out his hand and the other keep his hand close to his body. We invited missionaries to explain some of the hardships in which they have had while on their missions. As they shared some of the trials in which they have faced we started adding books and weight to each of the Elder's hands. The Elder who had his arm far from his body really started to struggle to hold the weight of the books. The Elder who had kept his weight close to his body still had a fair amount of weight to hold but looked just fine. We did our best to use this to testify of the Savior. As missionaries, and sons and daughters of Our Heavenly Father we are as the arms of The Lord. We at times are asked to take on some heavy loads, of all sizes. When we are close to our Savior He promises to make our burdens light. When we do not accept his help the weight is unbearable at times. I testify of the truthfulness of this important eternal doctrine. The Savior and Master Jesus Christ is ready to help make our burdens light. I pray you have had an opportunity to think more heavily upon the love He has for you this special season. 

The next wonderful part of the week! The baptism of Thelma Jack and my 19th Birthday! What a day! Thelma is a miracle. There are times as a missionary when it gets hard and you ask yourself why you are here. It is beautiful people like Thelma who remind me quickly of the importance of this great work. Thelma has read the Book of Mormon and has come to know of the reality of the Love which Our Father In Heaven has for her. She has changed to follow the Savior Jesus Christ. I see the light of The Holy Ghost fill her soul with joy. Watching her come out of the waters of baptism makes me so thankful for this great plan of happiness. All things are possible through God! My soul is filled with gratitude for what Our Father in Heaven has given Thelma and all of us who are willing to accept his divine plan! What a great life!

Thank you to all of you, who have reached out to wish me a Happy Birthday! Thank you thank you. You have brought me so much joy! I am truly blessed and I am loving my mission. I know my family is blessed for their sacrifice. I love them and all who have helped me. Know that I think of you often and love you all.

So much love, 

Elda LaMont/ Your Alekken Ty/ Shark Bait/ Island Boy

Elder LaMont, Thelma, and Elder Hardy

Happy Birthday treat!

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...