Sunday, April 15, 2018

Shark Bait's Exchanges with The APs and Mama Fred's Baptism!!

Dearest Family and Friends,

Again I am more than excited to tell you of the wonderful week in which I have had on the beautiful island paradise of Vanuatu. It has been an incredible week with challenges which have brought me new incites to this beautiful gospel and have blessed my life. 

One of the very best parts of this week would be the exchange I got to have with the Assistants to the President. I was put with Elder Hable who was able to teach me many things. He is a very humble and powerful teacher and I enjoyed becoming more his friend. He taught me more about the importance of Companionship Study and how we can find answers to the soul from the Book of Mormon. We had a powerful study of the Book of Mormon before being able to go in his area of Nambaru (which actually was once my area my first transfer here as a Travel Elder) Throughout the many lessons we tried to have we used what we learned from the Book of Mormon. It had amazing and powerful results! We were even able to set a baptism date with one of his investigators and find new precious souls to teach! I testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and the peace, light, and happiness it can bring to our life if we will just open it. Our Heavenly Father wants to talk to us and this is how he does it along with his chosen leaders. I loved what Elder Hable was able to teach me about exchanges. He followed the White Handbook to give me specific and direct things I do well and what things I could work on. He is eager to help me with a new leadership role that President wants me to work towards. I am so glad I got to work with him! The Lord continues to bless me. 

Another wonderful blessing of this week would be the baptism of one of our investigators Lamala Fred. She is the mother of our Recent Convert Nicole Fred. We are so excited for her and have seen the amazing blessing the Atonement and Gospel of Jesus Christ has brought to her and her family. How my soul is filled with joy to see her and her Daughter come into the fold of God. I was unable to attend her baptism since we were on our exchange with the Assistants. But my companion Elder Hardy said that as she came out of the waters of baptism with tears of joy. I was told that she even shared a powerful testimony during her baptismal service. This Gospel is true. Is it not amazing how this perfect and everlasting Gospels blesses us so much individually and as a family! We are so blessed! 

I love you all. I pray for you. I work hard for The Lord and for you. Keep enjoying life and smiling!

Sorry, no pictures for this week. I forgot my camera cord back at our house! Next week for sure!

So much love to each and everyone of you.

Elda LaMont/ Your Alekken Ty/ Island Boy/Shark Bait

Pictures from Zone Conference

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...