Sunday, October 1, 2017

Arrival in Vanuatu

TALOFA from the Future My Family and Friends!!!

Shark Bait did in fact make it to the beautiful islands of Vanuatu! It was a great feeling to finally  arrive here! The beauty is beyond words! When we arrived in Port Vila we were welcomed by several of our trainers and the Mission President. My trainer's name is Elder Grey... Guess what?! He is the nephew of Dr. Grey in Logan Utah! What a small world indeed! We only get one hour to write emails at a cafe in Vila so I apologize if this is all over the place! We went through lots of orientation in Vila and even had dinner at the Mission president's office. What an amazing experience! I can testify that the Lord loves this mission and that we are a mission of miracles. Our logo is the M&M which stands for Mission of Miracles. We are the mighty VPVM!!!

I have been assigned to be trained as the new Travel Elder! This means that I am in charge of driving people places, scheduling flights all over the mission, and making sure everyone gets to where they need to be including the Mission President and his APs. Basically Elder Grey and I are very very essential in making sure The Lord's work gets done here in the VPVM. I have a great deal to learn to make sure I help this mission excel but I am so excited. My biggest trial here is the language. Bislama does sound like English but I only understand 40% of what is said. Even though my Bislama is very broken I do my very best to bear my testimony in what I know during our lessons. We have taught a lot of people in the last few days. They are very kind and supportive towards me as I try to speak the language. I love it here! I am still in Port Vila and I work in the office as the Travel Elder but Elder Grey and I have two areas here in Vila. Nambura and Temoa.

There was one day that I was really struggling with missing my family and I read a quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley that goes like this, "The best antidote I know for worry is work. the best medicine for despair is service. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired." I decided that day I would work as hard as I could to lift others burdens to testify of Christ. As I have done so the spirit has worked through me and I feel more Love from my Father in Heaven and my family. This is the true Gospel. Our Heavenly Father does hear and answer our prays. I am really out of time and wish I could type for longer. Know that I love you and I am sorry if I could not get to emailing you. One hour is just not enough time. I am praying for all of you. I would appreciate any prayers on my behalf so that I can learn the language of Bislama. If you could too pray for Johnney. He is getting close to his baptism day and we are working hard for him and others. Thank you all. I love you so much!!

Elder LaMont/ Shark Bait/ Bubbos/ Island Boi/ your Alekken Ty

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Kolopokie/Shark Bait Keeps it Going/ Shut up and Dance with Me... I mean Listen/Be Ye Doers of The Word

Dearest Family and Friends! How are you? Do you know I love you? I hope so!!! So much and with every part of my heart. Kee...